AP Photo/Craig Ruttle |
The Irene story can be summarized as "looks like a big storm is coming" then "looks like we overestimated the danger." But that story loses ratings as it goes. So the second half never materializes very fully.
Salon reports:
Link: Why TV news is addicted to weather porn
While it is good to be safe, of course no one listens after the first big storm of the season that the media hypes. These television jerks who "warn" us like they are agents of the government need to be guided by something other than the moral values of free enterprise. It's like the little boy who cried wolf taking money from Pfizer.
The streaking video that is linked to in the article will be a Daily Show moment for sure. Streaking in this context actually has a reason to exist. But I'm afraid that when we need real weather information we are fed the same reality show atmosphere that doesn't save many lives.
"We're in the news business," [Chuck] Scarborough [WNBC] said wryly. "We deal in doom."
...and deal with doom without foresight or concern.